Meta:Community Q&A: - Q1 2010
This Q&A was posted to the website IGN by propheet on May 10, 2010. They spoke with Devon Smith, the Narrative Director @ TopWare Interactive and Jake DiGennaro, PR Director @ TopWare Interactive (as of May 2010).[1]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
[Editor's Note: The Interview featured additional media, this was not properly archived.]
TWVault: TW community is still alive and kicking, now richer with Two Worlds II fans as well. Some of them have been asking about player-owned housing in singleplayer mode. Earlier previews of the game indicate that there's going to be such an option. Can you elaborate on how involved the house quest will be, any item displays and customization involved?
Devon: It's something we've definitely been playing with. I'm not sure we're ready to let anyone take a peek under the hood just yet though.
Jake: Reality Pump has a rich history in the strategy genre, and they took that experience and applied it in a way that provides some very unique multiplayer gameplay mechanics. There's something to be said about a developer really trying to introduce something fresh into the traditional RPG formula.
TWVault: So, multiplayer only, then? Housing aside, we've also heard rumours about a romantic side of Two Worlds II (now THAT's new to the franchise!). While we're assuming game's rating probably won't allow anything really spicy going on (certainly not as much, as in, say, The Witcher), can you expand on the adventures of the heart and flesh that lay (pardon the pun) ahead of our hero?
Devon: Well, the Hero's been locked up for quite some time. I think that anyone in that situation is compelled to "make up for lost time". You may not be roaming the haystacks of Antaloor bedding maidens as you see fit -- but you will have some interesting entanglements with the fairer of our species at the very least!
TWVault: Haha, taking that edge off, eh? Still more folk at Inside Two Worlds community are longing for some more information on archery (not just sharp edges :D) in Two Worlds II. While we realize that it might be a bit too early to go into details, can you tell us a bit about possibilities to manually aim, lead targets, free-range shoot in TW2? Any special abilities for archers aside from multitargeting and multiarrow skills?
Devon: Archery is something that's definitely seen its share of revitalization. There are definitely a number of abilities available to archers. There is most definitely as Manual Aiming mode -- as well as a more responsive "fire and forget" option. The player will also be able to learn how to use a number of unique arrow types.
At this stage, it feels very similar to some of our favorite 3rd Person Shooters. Two Worlds II is a class-free system. Any warrior with a bow has probably had to perform a last-minute stabbing or two -- and it doesn't hurt our axe-favoring meateaters to take up a little target practice either!
TWVault: But that's traditional sort of archery, but... several times already we've heard mention of players using archery to trap enemies?! Apparently, we're going to be able to shoot flaming arrows... and set terrain on fire, drawing attention of the guards to it... Can you explain how that works? Does that mean no more regular traps known from TW1?
Devon: Of course not! One of my favorite tricks right now is setting a trap -- then firing the Distraction Arrow in front of it in order to snag a victim or two.
Jake: It's a credit to what the team has done with regards to AI really, where it's not always just a matter of "shoot to kill". Using some of the cool ways the archery system influences NPC behavior, especially in conjunction with some of the traps and other tools at the hero's disposal, players can really choose how they engage enemies and it creates a nice diversity in ways to overcome encounters.
TWVault: Back at the official boards some questions arose regarding the in-game communication options. In the earliest pre-order game features summaries, we read that the game will offer a host of in-game communication options... This is a valid question especially for console players, since they cannot simply install some voicecomm software when they need it, and keyboards/typing is definitely not a regular option for consoles.
Jake: Obviously PC players have a host of options at their disposal given secondary software, but with the weight that multiplayer plays in the overall experience it was tremendously important to develop means for players to easily interact with each other on the console.
TWVault: Hmm I guess only time will tell HOW exactly it's being implemented. What about the ominous and not very clear statement from the first pre-order resume of the game: "Two Worlds II will feature (...) an expanded team/clan support system, including (...) statistics, tournaments and spectator mode". Can you expand on all those options a bit?
Jake: As mentioned the multiplayer elements are a core part of the overall game, and with the expanded capacity of many of the console online features we've been able to integrate some pretty neat stuff encourage players to team up and stake their claim for dominance over their peers.
Devon: No doubt we'll be shedding some more light on the Multiplayer offerings we'll be shipping with in the next couple months, so stay tuned.
Jake: And some stuff we've got planned post-launch as well!
TWVault: Launch is a bit away still, so returning to the same pre-order info, there's mention of mounted flight and redesigned horseback... Considering the amount of infos on graphics, combat, motion capturing etc, it's surprising that we've not yet seen ANY horseback riding in TWII, nor was there any final confirmation on flight. Devs hinted at levitation many times, we know that some enemies fly... please, please, please, tell us MORE!
Devon: Horses are finnicky creatures. They require food, water (in real life) and beautiful animations. I think that people will be excited once we finally ride off into the sunset on one for you to all witness -- but these things take time!
Personally, I love things that fly. Especially if they aren't trying to kill me. Hopefully we can find a peaceful coexistence between my fears and your excitement sometime between now and September.
TWVault: Oh right! Speaking of fears - TW1 had quite terrible "bunny-fearing" horseback, in fact even post-patch the game's horseback controls suffered from "realistic" input lag, and (probably due to engine's limitations in calculating objects' heights) impossibility to jump on horseback above obstacles.. I myself recall many a bunny that spooked my horse to the point of stopping it in its tracks... or worse, derailing it so it went to the left or right from the straight course... How does it work now? Can we expect same type of fluid movement on horseback as from regular running?
Devon: Yes. Jake? Wanna touch on this?
Jake: You would dodge this one. [Laugh] A lot of effort has been put into making sure the horseback experience is less...frustrating than in the original game. Many of the environments have been designed to be much more "horse friendly", and the mechanics in general have been rebuilt from scratch. No more fearing the wrath of the bunnies!
TWVault: Yay for the bunnies! And ponies. And cute skeletal horsies [chuckle]. Speaking about player's equestrian adventures, fans wanted to know if there's going to be any carts, carriages, or any "pulled" vehicles... After all Assassin's Creed II shown us that it's fun and pretty addictive, a nice alternative to bruising one's behind on horseback... any notion like that out there?
Devon: One can only dodge so many barrels of dynamite. While that [Assassin's Creed II] sequence was definitely fun -- I think it outstayed it's welcome. You'll find that in the part of Antaloor our story takes place in, horses are a bit of a hot commodity. Throwing them frivolously into explosives might endanger the species as a whole.
TWVault: Awww.... Poor horsies (and players' behinds!). And now for something completely different... TW1 offered dynamic 3rd person camera, that could've been tweaked to the point of becoming isometric one, and a VERY flawed first person mode. Do you plan on introducing the alternative camera options, like TPP shoulder camera, or maybe a pre-set isometric system for that 'classic' dungeon-crawler look? Any word yet on functions in the first person - in TW1 you couldn't even attack when in first person?
Devon: There are a couple of different camera options for the player to tinker with, but it's a much more controlled and refined experience. While playing from an isometric view would be a nice throwback -- it might hinder some of the finer points of our new combat system.
Jake: That said we've definitely taken into consideration player's desire to explore the world from different perspectives, which was the original reason we began tinkering with what is now known as the Oculus. Granted the feature has grown pretty considerably since its conception, so that it even plays a role in combat, but for me personally just being to scout around the environments and see things from a completely new angle is the coolest part.
TWVault: One final community question before we wrap up. We've seen pretty nasty creatures showcased in screenshots and in Antaloor Post newsletter, some of them huge, some not very big. Can you tell us if the inventive Two Worlds spirit is retained, do we get some epic, non-standard fights against bosses? Any examples you could give us of non-standard hack/slash tactics?
Devon: Two Worlds II is still definitely an RPG -- but you still have to hit things with something to kill 'em! "Bosses" in TW2 tend to be stuffy guys in silly clothes that talk a little bit more than their minions. They aren't exactly known for their skills with a weapon. But we definitely have more than a few creatures that you may want to think twice about poking with your "Stick of Destiny".
Jake: Couldn't have put it better myself.
TWVault: Thanks guys! Wow, that's been a lot of info!
Devon: Thanks for all the support guys. It really does make the 5 o'clock shadows and caffeine-tremors worth it.
Jake: Anytime. The game has really been a passion project for all of us. We're really excited to share the fruits of our labor with all the fans that have stuck by us, and surprise all the people who still have their doubts.
TWVault: See you soon!