Draft:Two Worlds II:Gargoyle

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The dreaded Gargoyle is half-reptile half-infernal and is an almost extinct species, with but a few remaining in unspecified locations. Gargoyles are supposedly much like Hell Lords in appearance (Demons in our database), but can fly and are much tougher. Grown Gargoyles reach gargantuan proportions, akin to those of a Dragon. Incidentally, only a Dragon is naturally occuring beast that can win in a match between the two. Compared to a Dragon, Gargoyle is swifter, more manoeuverable but has somewhat weaker defences.

Two major types of attack include a strong nose-dive hit from above, or smashing their horned skull into the foe in CQC. Gargoyles move both in the air or on the ground, and can cover ground very fast due to their wings support. Possible weaknesses might include some of the slashing attacks and magics. Due to combination of leathery hide and scales bludgeoning and piercing combat might be ineffective.