Meta:About Xbox 360 Patch
This Q&A was posted to the website insidetwoworlds by RegnorVex on August 27, 2007.[1]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
I attended the PAX '07 (Penny Arcade Expo 2007) in Seattle today (Sunday, August 26, 2007) and specifically sought out the Producer for Two Worlds at the SouthPeak booth. I ran a few questions by him, here are his responses:
1: Yes, there is a patch currently being worked on. No release date info, but it has not yet been submitted to MS testing and that alone will take about 2 weeks, so it won't be any sooner than 2 weeks, and probably a bit longer. But he did acknowledge that it is a high priority.
2: They know that questing and grouping are sub-optimal in that only one player can complete quests per session. Note his comment "per session". You can start a new session and the other players can get and complete the quest. He agreed with me that this is lame and says there's been considerable complaints about it, and he believes it will be addressed in a patch. He couldn't say if it was in the patch under construction.
3: He acknowledged the lag and framerate issues, and said it was being addressed as much as possible in the patch, but that a lot of it is attributable to individual player connections. He acknowledged that this isn't a problem with other XBL games and that they are going to need to address it. He hopes to see some improvements in the upcoming patch, it's probably the highest priority.
4: He has been pushing hard for a Community Manager to be hired on to act as a liaison to the online community. He recognizes that word of mouth on this game is critical and that right now is the time to act. I reinforced his suspicions that forum talk is NOT good right now and that they have a small window of opportunity to get this addressed.
5: He couldn't answer my question of what paramater contributes to Bow damage. From the manual it appears that Strength is the parameter that controls melee damage, and that Dex helps avoidance and "mobility", but there's no indication whether Dex or STR contribute to bow damage. I told him I'd do some experiments to test it, but since I'd only had the game one day it was not something I could yet verify. Amazing that this is not covered in either the manual OR the "Strategy Guide". This isn't a min-max issue, it's a basic, "How do I increase my damage output" issue. If anyone knows this answer and can chime in here, please do!
6: I pointed out a number of wierd bugs to him that he wrote down and said he would submit and report when he got back. Small stuff, like not being able to zoom the map in multiplayer mode (wtf) and other related gameplay anomalies. I haven't played the game long enough to find any crashes, but I bet they're there, too, and probably will be addressed in the next patch.
I like this game and hope to keep playing it with my wife (GamerTag: KeshaD) and others if interested. But it needs some work, eh?
RegnorVex <--- my GamerTag
Edit Oh, I left out another conversation we had. He was surprised to learn (and surprised that he had not yet read this complaint) that you cannot NAME your character in multiplay. He wrote that one down and looked very seriously like he was going to go fix it himself.
Originally Posted by greygoose thank you for finding this guy and telling him whats up, please also note that friendly fire is a huge problem. there needs to be a switch target system, its an RPG must.
Ah, that's another thing I forgot in my post, I *did* tell him about the friendly fire problem, thanks for reminding me. He listened and nodded his head when I mentioned it and suggested it would be a while before that one was fixed. It didn't sound like it was even on the drawing board.
Originally Posted by XeroDanger ^^^That just makes the game realisitc and funny Also did he mention when and if the new races for multiplayer will be coming?
No, sorry, didn't talk about new features. I spent all my time with him discussing things that were in the game now that needed fixing. I'd rather see them fix what's broken before they add new features/races/classes.