Meta:Jörg Schindler over Two Worlds II - Interview HD
This Q&A was uploaded to the YouTube channel XGN on August 31, 2010.[1][2]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
Eind september komt het vervolg op de role-playing game Two Worlds uit. Jörg Schindler, PR manager voor de game, legt alles uit over de vernieuwingen die we kunnen verwachten in dit deel.
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
Mirror[edit | edit source]
Transcript[edit | edit source]
IGN Summary[edit | edit source]
Dutch portal XGN have had a chance to talk with Joerg Schindler of TopWare Germany (in his capactiy as PR specialist for Europe) and back their discussion with a few minutes of footage from the game. While in and of itself the interview doesn't provide new stuff you can still glean some of the interesting tidbits from the video itself. Don't worry though, after a brief introduction in Dutch they're talking English for the rest of the vid.
Watch it below or via YT on XGN video page.
- The elusive Capone-like Mr. Lexington has his summer house in New Ashos. This begs the question where his actual residence is, and what exactly does his summer vacation entail...
- More info on the main story line. We've already heard about one ending only (presumably opening the field for possible Two Worlds 3). Joerg also tells about the pacing of the story. MQ is delivered in chapters, which are all goal-oriented and end with a boss encounter. You can solve each Chapter in your own way or playstyle; Joerg provides two examples: talking your way out or fighting.
- More sailing is shown (but nothing really new). Joerg once more confirms that the area of the game is 60 square kilometers, but this time he actually puts a number on actual landmass: 25 square kilometers. It's not a big landmass at a glance, but the feeling of distance and exploration will definitely be there.
- During the presentation, the hero is continuously sprinting and jumping. The small yellow orb (which was presumed earlier to be Stamina) is indeed visibly draining while running. (TWVault: the sprint skill will likely reduce that drain allowing for longer running. Sprint skill is either in General or Warrior skills section.).
- Last but not least, Joerg himself confirms the EU release at the end of September. This is the final official proof that the game has not been delayed.