Meta:Short Two Worlds interview with Mirek
This Q&A was posted to the website by Miroslaw Dymek on an unknown date.[1]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
['Editor's Note:' This is an extremely confusing interview. It's not entirely clear if it's referring to Two Worlds or Two Worlds: The Temptation. It sounds like Two Worlds, with the Xblades references as well, which was released in November 2007. However, the earliest archive of the Inside Two Worlds page was on August 25, 2008 and the post date of the thread simply says "4 Weeks Ago" which is the source of the confusion.]
Hey guys! Sorry, been busy for the past couple of weeks but I’ve got some good stuff for you!
In about four weeks, the annual Games Convention will be held in Lepizig, Germany. Who will be present there? Oh.. really cool companies such as… yours truly. That’s right, ZUXXEZ, will be there and we’ll be bringing in some “Two Worlds” stuff along with some “X-Blades” stuff. We’ll have lots of great competitions and maybe a couple of surprises thrown in! That’s not all – we’ll have a second booth in the glass hall and we’ll be presenting a “Two Worlds” spectacle like you’ve never seen before! Stay tuned.
Also, here’s a short interview that I recently did:
Q: Hi Mirek! So, thanks to your enhanced AI, the NPCs are now capable of complex and authentic acts. Tell me, how does this new system work, exactly?
A: Good question! First off, the basic actions and reactions of the NPCs are determined by so-called “impulse triggers“ - things like a lifeless corpse, the sounds of a fight, the rumble of a chase, or the opening of a door. In addition, NPCs are sub-divided into general categories like players, enemies, friends, and neutrals.
Q: Are there any other factors that might influence NPC behavior?
A: Yes, we have developed a complex system of various different factors. For instance, NPCs make decisions based on their own courage. A bashful and cowardly merchant will hardly step into an ongoing fight while a more active and aggressive one will try to break one up. Apart from that, the group dynamic relationships between NPCs - meaning to which faction he or she belongs – are also important; however, what we‘re especially proud of is the NPC‘s ability to remember certain events!
Q: Are you telling me the NPCs possess a kind of memory?
A: That is exactly what I am saying. For example, If the player ever attacks an NPC, that attack will stick in the NPC‘s memory. And NPCs who weren‘t even at the scene of the attack will remember it – because the NPCs “share information” among themselves. In this way the reputation of the player will spread throughout the entire game world.
We'll have major updates to this blog soon so keep checking us out here at the 1up Two Worlds Blog!
References[edit | edit source]
- [2] Original blog post (lost).