Meta:Two Worlds 2: Interview - Exploration
This Q&A was posted to the website IGN by propheet on February 27, 2010.[1][2]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
Mirek Dymek, CEO Reality Pump speaks about Exploration in the first part of our ongoing series of interviews, designed to shed a bit more light onto the soon-to-be-released sequel to Two Worlds… Topics covered will include Exploration, Combat, Magic and Multiplayer – so stay tuned @ TWVault for more in-depth infos on Two Worlds 2!
TWVault: We’ve seen a lot of information regarding the upcoming release of TW2, mostly in Antaloor Post newsletter and in some specialist magazines, but some of the basics are still waiting to be ‘unveiled’. Can you tell our readers something more about the scope of the game – how long will it take to finish the singleplayer game? What’s the rough estimate of the landmass size?
Mirek Dymek: Players who strictly follow the main story will need around 20 hours to get to the final Boss fight. And after that the game can still be played! If, on the other hand, a player wants to play all the side quests too, we're talking about 100+ playing hours. There's a heck of a lot of side quests in this big world of Antaloor (60 square miles) - which, by the way, consists of islands this time around. Much of the surface area is actually water - but since the developers have introduced a new sailboat feature, it’s no hindrance to players!
TWVault: What about loading times, transitions between dungeons and mainland, the items that plagued previous installment of the series? Any loading screens when entering dungeons or underground locations?
Mirek Dymek: When the player enters a large dungeon or building, a short loading screen will be displayed. The loading times are really very short, though - the player won't get distracted from his mission. The world can of course be explored with no loading whatsoever. In other words, there are definitely NO loading screens or loading times when the exploring player moves into new regions or other outlying areas.
TWVault: So we’re basically talking about one of the biggest – and most seamless - free-roamer out there. Exploration-wise, we’ve seen sailing, swimming, horse-riding, teleportation and on-foot transportation.... There’s also been some talk about a few other methods, namely flight. Will the players have the above-ground ‘airborne’ exploration?
Mirek Dymek: You've nailed them all... sailing, swimming, etc.. We haven't implemented flying into “Two Worlds II” - but the idea has been in our collective heads for a while now. Never say never :-)… Sailing is the main method of getting from island to island. And for the very bold explorer, there are one or two islands that aren't even on the map!
TWVault: That’s so cool! But considering that much land and water to cover, are there different types of mounts, sailboats, running speeds? We’ve not yet seen new horses of TW2, but at least 2 types of boats (a sailboat and a rowing boat), and we’ve noticed player will move differently depending on the ground type. Any skills related to exploration? Maybe a type of horse that can withstand attacks for longer?
Mirek Dymek: As far as sailing's concerned, we're still at the balancing stage, so I can't really tell you about boat numbers or types at the moment. There will definitely be various breeds of horses and each breed will have its own speed, life energy and strength. When our hero is on foot, his speed and endurance depend on his “stamina value” - this is represented by a small symbol beside the life and mana energy symbols on the main screen. The way this value develops depends on the way a hero’s skill points are distributed.
TWVault: Cheers! Thank you very much for your answers!
Mirek Dymek: Thank you very much, see you!
Check back at our Vault next week for more in-depth interviews regarding other interesting aspects of Two Worlds 2!