Meta:Two Worlds II developers answer your questions
This Q&A was posted to the Fandom Two Worlds Wiki by user Ausir on September 6, 2010.[1]
Two Worlds II community interview[edit | edit source]
As the release of Two Worlds II is coming up, fans of the first game, as well as new players, probably have all sorts of questions to the developers. Fortunately, TopWare agreed to an exclusive community interview here at the Two Worlds Wiki. Simply post your questions as comments here, and we will send them to the developers!
The game, developed by Reality Pump and published by TopWare Interactive/SouthPeak Games, is coming to the PC, 360 and PS3 this September.[2]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
Thanks for submitting questions for our community interview with Two Worlds II developers. It took a while, but thanks to TopWare's community manager Jörg Schindler, here are the answers from the developers themselves to your questions:
Jmjimmy 16:20, June 10, 2010:Two Worlds excelled at creating a beautiful game environment but fell short in creating an immersive experience. What is being done to improve immersion in Two Worlds 2?
Original Question: I'll get the ball rolling with a couple questions:
1) Two Worlds excelled at creating a beautiful game environment but fell short in creating an immersive experience. What is being done to improve immersion in Two Worlds 2?
2) The Two Worlds 2 teaser trailer has not been received well by audiences due to the apparent problems with collision detection. Can we expect this to be fixed prior to release in September? Specific example:
Reality Pump:A lot! First of all, we hired professional story writers who take care of the main quest as well as the side quests and the “feeling” of the world itself. That means that we implemented a lot of NPCs whom you meet several times during your adventures. This way you get some relationships which evolve according to your actions. Even some love stories are implemented
Q:Will there be a dialogue tree?
Original Question: Anonymous user 18:33, June 10, 2010
Reality Pump:Yes, the player will have various possibilities to move a dialogue in a certain direction. NPCs will react to what you are saying.
Anonymous user 19:00, June 10, 2010:Will there be as many models (meshes) of weapons, shields, armors, etc. as in Two Worlds 1?
Original Question: there will be many models(meshes) of weapons, shields, armors,etc as like two worlds1
Alternate Question - Anonymous user 18:56, June 10, 2010': the number of different models (meshes) of weapons,armors, and shields will be equal to the two worlds1?
Reality Pump:Yes! We even expanded the numbers and the player will have a great time combining the hundreds of weapons and armor parts into his very own collection. Moreover you can also upgrade and color these parts with the crafting system.
Anonymous user 19:49, June 10, 2010:In TW1, regardless of where an archer aimed, the arrow always flew directly at where the target was at the time the arrow was released, making it impossible to lead a moving target. This occurred regardless of the option settings regarding manual aiming. In TW2, will archers finally be allowed to lead a moving target?
Reality Pump:In TWII you will be able to choose between two different bow shooting modes. The first one is the so called Casual Mode. It this one is activated the marker will automatically aim at the nearest opponent. If you switch to the Sniper Mode you will be free to move the target around and aim at whatever you want. Moreover you have to take care of the trajectory – means you have to aim a little bit higher than the original target.
Anonymous user 19:52, June 10, 2010:Can you actually walk/run backwards? One recent video shows character automatically rotating to face away from the opponent when ordered to move away.
Reality Pump:You can only run forward but if you are in fighting stance you will be able to jump back and sideward.
Anonymous user 20:26, June 10, 2010:Is there going to be the Xbox360 controller support in the PC version of Two Worlds II?
Original Question: Is there going to be the Xbox360 controller support in PC version of Two Worlds II?
Reality Pump:Yes.
Anonymous user 20:36, June 10, 2010:Can you attack and run at the same time? Is it possible to swing a sword running/charging, much as it *should* be in any semi-realistic combat system?
Reality Pump:You can do long distance attacks with some special fighting moves the player can learn during the game. For example the Jump Strike.
Q:Will there be be voice chat for the consoles multiplayer modes?
Original Question: wil there be be voice chat for the consoles multiplayer modes?and will there be a "sneak mode" like in oblivion or fallout 3?
Reality Pump:You will be able to communicate with your partners via chat window.
Q:Will there be a "sneak mode" like in Oblivion or Fallout 3?
Reality Pump:Sneak mode will be implemented and enables the player to do assassin kills and pick pocketing.
Anonymous user 23:23, June 10, 2010:Will the mob density be any more "spread out" then it was in Two Worlds? It seemed as if I couldn't go 10 feet before running into a "pack" of boars or wolves or bandits.
Original Question: Will the Mob Density be any more "spread out" then it was in Two Worlds?
Seemed I couldn't go 10 feet before running into a "pack" of Boars or Wolves or Bandits lol
Felt far too congested to me ;)
Regards and good luck on the launch!
Reality Pump:Opponents in Two Worlds II will have different “activity modes” what means that e.g. a spider doesn’t follow you for very long and killer wasps will fly behind you for quite a time. With this system we make sure that there isn’t a long line of monsters behind you
Anonymous user 08:58, June 11, 2010:Approximately how long will it take to explore everything and complete most of the quests?
Anonymous user 08:58, June 11, 2010:Are there plans for proper DLC that adds a decent amount of play time to the game?
Original Question: Approximately how long will it take to explore everything & complete most of the quests ?
Are there plans for proper DLC that adds a decent amount of play time to the game ?
Reality Pump:If you follow the main quest, play time will be from 15-20 hours. If you solve all side quests and explore the world free 100 hours plus are easily reached.
Reality Pump:Yes, we will publish DLC but haven’t decided yet what it will be. Nevertheless we already have a lot of ideas like special amours and weapons or little islands.
Anonymous user 14:02, June 11, 2010:Will enemies respawn in dungeons and the wilderness in TW 2?
Anonymous user 14:05, June 11, 2010:: Will enemies respawn in dungeons and the wilderness a few days after u kill them?, if u havn't put this feature in please do
Reality Pump:No. But we have implemented a natural movement of monsters and beasts to guarantee that you won’t find a completely washed up area especially in the outside.
Anonymous user 14:12, June 11, 2010:Will there be undead dungeons?
Original Question: will there be undead dungeons
Reality Pump:Yes. Like Mummies or Ghouls for example. But some enemies that are much worse also await…
Anonymous user 14:13, June 11, 2010:Approximatly, how many dungeons will there be, and will they be varied, e.g caves, ruins, forts, mines, like in Oblivion?
Original Question: Approximatly, how many dungeons will there be, and will they be vaired e.g caves, ruins, forts, mines, like in oblivion
Reality Pump:We will have about 40 dungeons and they will vary. We have caves, mines and special dungeons below the cities. The dungeons have various levels and some of them even change as you go deeper and deeper into them. For example they change from a mine with human workers to a dark cave with various monsters.
Anonymous user 00:34, June 12, 2010:Will you be able to enter all houses and other buildings like Oblivion, or will it be like Fallout 3 or GTA were not all buildings are accessible?
Original Question: will u b able to enter all houses and other buildings like oblivion.or will it be like fallout 3 or gta were not all buildings are excecible?
Reality Pump:Most of the buildings are accessible.
Anonymous user 01:51, June 12, 2010:Will the world of two worlds 2 (not including cities) be spread out in regions that take loading to go through or will it be open with no loading times like Oblivion or Fallout 3?
Original Question: will the world of two worlds 2(not including citys)be open or will it be spread out in regions that take loading to go threw or will it be open with no loading times like oblivion or fallout 3?
Reality Pump:The will be no loading screens at all while exploring the world. The only time short loading screens appear are the moments when you are entering buildings.
Ausir 12:02, June 12, 2010:Will there be various endings depending on your choices?
Reality Pump:No. Nevertheless your choices will influence the ways which whom you are reaching the ending. After the end of the main quest you can go on exploring the world within the same game.
Jmjimmy 16:38, June 12, 2010:In Two Worlds 1 there was very little distinction between character classes. By the end of the game your character could be a mage, rogue, and warrior at the same time. This resulted in very few distinctions between characters and their equipment. How will this change in Two Worlds 2 and will there be additional class distinctions?
Reality Pump:The player doesn’t have to choose a class at the beginning of the game. The system is completely free and the character develops according to the spent skill and parameter points. So it is up to you if you want to be a great warrior or be able to do everything a little bit. Thanks to the more sophisticated balancing system we can now take care that the player really has to think of what he wants to be.
Anonymous user 16:59, June 12, 2010:Would there be other NPCs riding horses around the world....or would I be the only one?
Original Question: would there be other npc riding horses around the world....or would i be the only one ??
Reality Pump:There will be different horse races which results in different speed, strength etc.
Biomac 21:34, June 14, 2010:Are there plans for expansion packs that adds new features and gameplay into to the game?
Reality Pump:Of course! We want to expand Antaloor as far as possible!
Anonymous user 16:59, June 17, 2010:Is there going to be consumable food e.g fruit, vegetables, meats, and will you be able to get consumable food off of dead monsters after u kill them (looting)?
Original Question: are there gonna be consumable food e.g fruit, vegetables, meats, and will u be able to get consumable food off of dead monsters after u kill them (looting)?
Reality Pump:Yes. Consumable food can be bought at shops or found in nature. Moreover you will get special organic items from killed monsters which you can eat or use for alchemy.
Biomac June 24, 2010:Will there be weather conditions in the world like rain and snow?
Original Question: there will be wheather conditions in the world like rain and snow?
Reality Pump:We will have dynamic day and night circle and weather effects like rain or thunder storm.
Anonymous user June 26, 2010:Will there be a kraken or any other sea monsters in TW2?
Original Question: will there be a kraken or any other sea monsters in tw2
Reality Pump: No. Sailing is just for travelling between the islands.
Biomac 19:03, June 11, 2010:what are the graphical differences between direct x9, x10 and x11 in the pc version
Reality Pump:
Biomac June 21, 2010:The game will be finished until September? I saw in a site that you are still in 70%. you will remove any feature?
Reality Pump:
Anonymous user June 23, 2010: On the two worlds vault it says that in two worlds 2 there will be 150 individually written side-quests and 1500+ randomized quest events, is this true?
Alternate Question - Anonymous user June 23, 2010: ^^^^ Will there be randomized quest events? something like red dead redemptions world events?
Alternate Question - Anonymous user June 24, 2010: are there randomized quest events? something like red dead redemptions world events?
Alternate Question - Anonymous user June 28, 2010: what are randomized quest events?
Reality Pump:
Anonymous user July 6, 2010: how many side-quests will there be? and are there gonna be things like mini side-quests or random encounters?
Reality Pump:
References[edit | edit source]
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