Meta:E3 2010: Two Worlds II Interview
This Q&A was posted to the website by unknown on June 24, 2010.[1][2]
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
Jake Digenmaro goes in depth about the development 'Two Worlds II,' which continues the narrative of the first game. Players will be treated to a darker story with more fleshed out characters. Check it out!
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jake Digenmaro: So it's been three years since the release of the original game. It was originally designed as an expansion Two Worlds: The Temptation which was turned into a full blown sequel Two Worlds II uh, it was given an extra year development time in order to allow us to develop a brand new proprietary engine, uh and spend all the time developing it that the game really deserved the first time around.
So the narrative is a continuation of the first game. Um you start off in the begin of the game, uh Gandohar's castle, you've been captured at the end of the first game, you've been subject to several years of torture and experimentation while the world kind of continued on without you. So it starts out at the beginning of the game with you actually being liberated from this dungeon, uh by the Orcs. Now in the first game the Orcs were kind of the mortal enemies of the human race. So there's a little bit of confusion on part of the Hero. Uh early on what their motivation is uh and one of the biggest focuses is we wanted to make it a little bit darker, number one and number two is taking a little bit more time and fleshing out uh, the backstories and motivations behind a lot of the characters. Whether that be the Orcs or the Dragon Queen or Gandohar and seeing what kind of pushes them, what motivates them to be doing what they're doing.
There was a lot of promise in the first game as far as potential and ideas and concepts behind kind of approaching the RPG elements of the game on a little bit different direction, especially when talking about uh, the way that we d handled the crafting system or the way that we handled the magic system. A couple of the other things that we really d we fleshed out again: It's a classless based uh, advancement system so you kinda given a blank slate and as you level up you're given skill points. You assign them as you will and kinda create a custom class so if you wanna be just a pure warrior, be a pure warrior, if you wanna be kinda this hybrid between warrior and archer or kind of a you have some rogue in there um, you wanna have a couple magic skills and anything like that you can kind of jump between those different roles. And should you decide at some point in the game that you wanna go a little bit different route, you can respec uh, get all those points back and kind reassign 'em.
We have PVP which is up to eight players, so if you wanna go one on one, if you wanna go four on four, if you wanna do a free for all, whatever, be it, jump in, take on other players. We also have a secondary co-op campaign that's up to eight players. Designed in kind of a mission format so people can jump in. You can play with two or three people, you can play with up to eight people and it's a separate it's a separate campaign, it's a separate storyline, it's a different character. So you see the world of Antaloor through a different character's eyes and a different are.. a different perspective on kind of the events that are trans...transpiring through the game game world.
Um and then we also have the village mode uh, which is kind of a we're dubbing it. Which essentially grants each player kind of a hub world, uh, that you can jump that other players can jump into yours, you can jump into theirs and through doing all sorts of activities whether that be quests, defending the town, all these different things. Within this world your talent kind of grows. Um as it grows, new equipment becomes available for purchase, more quests become available.
Uh the game is scheduled for late Q3, early Q4 right now. Probably the end of September, the beginning of October. Uh, it's coming out on PS3, PC and Xbox 360 simultaneous uh launch worldwide.